Russ & Sonia Godbout
In June of 1998 we bought our first sawmill. It was portable and Russ did custom sawing on site, fitting it in on nights and weekends. In 2002, we purchased a piece of land in Mount Vernon and parked the sawmill on that site, continuing the custom sawing while building our home and working full time for Potter Oil Company.
Later that year, Russ received a request to build some odd shaped pallets for Fisher Engineering out of Rockland, ME. This custom order was the beginning of a great relationship with the client and really helped grow our business so we could provide employment to many local people.
We have continued to add buildings and equipment to keep up with the growing demand. Up until 2010, we also sold retail rough sawn hemlock lumber, continued with sawing logs for customers that brought in their own logs, and delivered bark mulch. Because of the continued growth of Fisher Engineering, we discontinued selling lumber to help keep up with sawing stock for their snow plow components.
In February 2016, we purchased the former Mace Lumber in Readfield. This move has enabled us to saw our stock for our pallet manufacturing and take on larger orders such as railroad ties and land ties. We buy from local loggers and they have been very supportive of our move. We are back selling rough sawn hemlock, rough pine boards and bar tops, mulches and added kiln-dried, finished pine. We have been met with terrific customers that share stories of buying lumber back when Everett Mace ran the business.
We are thrilled to be the local lumber and mulch store in the neighborhood.
Russ and Sonia’s son working the heavy machinery. By the Board Lumber is a family business!
Locally Maine Sourced
We are proud to offer pine, and hemlock all sourced from local woodcutters right here in Maine.